An image of nurse scrubs and a stethoscope
Nursing Care
Working with our physicians, the GMH Nursing Staff provides compassionate care to each of our patients. Knowledge and skill are the basis for assessment, analysis, planning, intervention, and evaluation used in the promotion and maintenance of health and nursing management of illness, injury, infirmity, restoration or optimal function, or death with dignity. Nursing practice is based on understanding the human condition across the human life span and understanding the relationship of the individual within the environment. Thispractice includes execution of the medical regime including the administration of
medications and treatments prescribed by members of our medical staff.
The practice of nursing at Grady Memorial Hospital is further defined by the Licensure Standards for Hospitals and Related Institutions, State of Oklahoma; the Hospital Mission and Vision statements; the Nursing Service Philosophy; Standards of Nursing Practice; and the Plan for Provision of Care for each unit in the department.
Nursing care is performed in the following areas:
Intensive Care/Coronary Care
Second Surgery (Medical/Surgical)
Operating Room
Post Anesthesia Care
Surgery Day Center
Emergency Department
Obstetrics - Temporarily Closed
Nursing In-service Education
Ongoing in-service education services are provided by the hospital to assist nursing staff in enhancing the quality of patient care. This education includes: Orientation for all staff to establish baseline knowledge of safety and infection control issues regarding the facility; and continuous work to reduce the risk for transmission of infections among patients, employees, medical staff, contract workers, volunteers, students, visitors and the community.Medical Nursing Services
The most frequent diagnoses for the adult medical patients are diabetes mellitus,cardio-respiratory conditions, gastroenterological conditions, and cancer. Patients having minor surgical procedures such as cystoscopies, colonoscopies, bronchoscopies, central line placement, arteriograms, and chest tube placement may also be cared for on this unit.
The most common medical diagnoses for pediatric patients are pneumonia and other respiratory infections, asthma, and gastroenterological conditions or infections.
Special Services Include: Tube Feeding, Gastrostomy, TPN Administration, Remote Telemetry Monitoring, Apnea Monitoring, Oximetry, Mist Tents, Epidural Catheters, Colostomy Care, IV Therapy, Non Invasive Bladder Scans, and Central Lines.
Outpatient procedures include transfusions of blood and blood products, enemas,and arteriograms.
Surgery Nursing Services
The most common diagnosis include: gastrointestinal, orthopedics (including total joint replacement), laparoscopic cholecystectomies, herniorrhaphies, appendectomies, hysterectomies and vascular surgeries.Pre-operative and post-operative teaching is provided by the nurses on the unit, utilizing supportive services such as Physical Therapy, Respiratory Therapy, Speech Therapy, and Dietary as needed.
Clinical paths have been implemented on total joint replacement and laparoscopic cholecystectomy patients.
Special Services Include: Jejunostomy Tubes, IV Therapy, Colostomies, TPN Therapy, Chest Tubes, Supra Pubic Catheters, Urethral Catheters, PCA's, Gastrostomy Tubes,
CPM Machines, Non Invasive Bladder Scan, Epidural Catheters.
Team Nursing or Total Patient Care models are used to deliver care. An assigned Nurse Manager has responsibility for all patient management and unit operations. The unit has 24 hour RN coverage.
Post Anesthesia Care Unit
The Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) is designed with modular units to care for 6 patients post operatively.Intensive Care Unit - Coronary Care Unit
The purpose of Intensive Care Unit Coronary Care Unit (ICU/CCU) is to deliver patient care on a 24 hour basis to critically ill patients.This service area is composed of an eight bed Intensive Care Unit, four bed Coronary Care Unit, and four bed Post Care Unit located on the second floor of Grady Memorial Hospital.
The most frequent medical diagnoses for the adult patients cared for in ICU are severe respiratory conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and pneumonia. Surgical patients include: thoracotomies, nephrectomy patients, all surgical patients with arterial lines, and unstable post surgical patients.
Patients with heart attacks, unstable angina, acute phases of chronic heart failure, and symptomatic dysrhythmias are cared for in the CCU.
The four bed postcare unit provides care for stable medical/surgical patients who no longer require critical care.
This unit monitors telemetries in the postcare beds and throughout the hospital.